Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Holy High Flying

In pursuit of spectacular display, and fund raising for spiritual truck stop, Rev. Adelir Antonio di Carli made attempts to break the world record in miles traveled by a balloon. In the process he has become lost among the clouds and created quite the spectacle.

The video shown on the link about displays some beautiful pictures
pausing at 11 seconds, 13 seconds, and 23 seconds in to the video you will see what I think is beautiful.

God Speed Rev. Carli
for you have the audacity and the free enough mind to float into the clouds.

[Edit/Response/Oh hai best friend: Although it is a serious matter, being that Reverend Carli's life is at risk, you can't help but smile watching the video as he is lifted into the air by thousands of balloons. I hope he returns safe, but to be honest, what a way to go. Life, and death, what an adventure. - Jenny]

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