Saturday, August 16, 2008

Patrick's throughts while buffering stainless steel decking

-these chemicals are bad for me, i will ask my bad about them. also it makes sense that they come from miami because must have to polish their art deco steel, and the lawn furniture
-its good to actually meet someone you were once afraid of. If you are like me, there are there are people that you have only seen, and from that point on convinced yourself that they dislike you. this summer i have made a point of introducing myself and repositioning my opinion of these people. generally i come to the realization that i was just chicken shit, and if i didnt meet them now i would limit myself with fear. sure these aqqatinces aren't life altering mind bending encounters with my cosmic duty, (yet), but i still think bravery and more fluid opinions of people are crucial.
-this repetitive motion may help me develop systems of efficiency.
-why buy something new when you can shine something old
-the sunshine is so good right now, i just want to lay about in old t-shirts and shorts

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