little things that made me happy on my train ride home from a less than fortunate series of events:
- seeing a gentleman who looks unshakably hip, making zooming car noises when walking through the el station just like a child .
- mango smoothies
-walking home from the student center with a burrito meal deal without the to-go cover for the sheer bliss that can only come from inhaling rice like a vaccaum periodically
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
le scaphandre et le papillon
The last night I was visiting my dad in Oregon, I watched this movie in bed and alone. This trailer, along with the blurb on the DVD case, hardly grazed the surface and the strength of this film. Expecting an uplifting story about the perseverance of the soul, I was floored by the weight of Jean-Dominique Bauby's story.
At the peak of his glamorous lifestyle, he suffered a stroke and was left completely paraylzed save for one of his eyeballs. Without even the ability to swallow his own spit, he is forced to communicate through blinking his eye- one for yes, two for no. Jean-Do often compares himself to a diver inside a diving bell, hence the name of the movie. He is completely trapped inside his body, capable of seeing, hearing and understanding the world around him but prevented from being able to interact with it. The story is incredibly heart wrenching, but at the same time completely appropriate for the big blanket.
It takes a while for Jean-Do to come to terms with his condition, especially since he was used to fine dining, fast cars and beautiful women. In order to escape his self-pity, he escaped into his own mind, using his imagination to make his immobile life worthwhile. There was nothing he could do about his situation, so he had to make the most of it. He dreamed up exotic lands, rich dishes and fond memories.
"I decided to stop pitying myself. Other than my eye, two things aren't paralyzed, my imagination and my memory."
“Hold fast to the human inside of you and you’ll survive.”
This reminded me of the end of "The Stranger" by Camus, when Meursault is in jail waiting to be executed. His days are long and boring and he feels that he is starting to go crazy in his cement cell. But instead, he starts to make due with what he can, examining his lawyer's ties and watching the birds from his window.
"At that time, I often thought that if I had had to live in the trunk of a dead tree, with nothing to do but look up at the sky flowing overhead, little by little I would have gotten used to it." Part 2, Chapter 2, pg. 77
"And the more I thought about it, the more I dug out my memory things I had overlooked or forgotten. I realized then that a man who had lived only one day could easily live for a hundred years in prison. He would have enough memories to keep him from being bored. In a way, it was an advantage." Part 2, Chapter 2, pg. 79
Etty Hillesum's diary was also brought to mind. Although I cannot find the exact quote, she speaks of the expansiveness of the soul and how it is more vast than any landscape known to man, in the physical sense. While biding her time in the concentration camps, she would scour her soul for the smallest ounce of beauty so as to avoid losing herself completely to the destruction around her.
Also, I think many of us can relate to how trapped Jean-Do felt after suffering his stroke. We are bound by language, time, society, expectations and so much more. Many people exhaust themselves trying to control their own fates, but it is impossible to succeed. I found it an interesting coincidence that I saw this film the night before I left the small meth town in Oregon where my Dad lives, where I hardly left the boundaries of the lot, save for going to the grocery store. I passed my time, when allowed to, reading "The Tao of Pooh" as in Winnie the Pooh. If you are not familiar with Taoism, it is essentially about how you should simply let things be as they are, not try to push them in a certain direction, especially if they do not want to budge. It is not preaching apathy, but encouraging you to accept the way the world is unfolding around you and be at peace with it. One of my favorite Winnie the Pooh quote that exemplifies this idea is the following:
“Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.”
“Sometimes, if you stand on the bottom rail of a bridge and lean over to watch the river slipping slowly away beneath you, you will suddenly know everything there is to be known.”
“Don't underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can't hear, and not bothering.”
The point is, we all get stuck in some awful situations, some short-term, some long-term and some forever. If that is the way your live is, and there is nothing that can change it, why fret over it? Spend your strength on the things that are in your power. In order to make this more applicable to many of our young lives, say you studied for a test but did not do so well. Why are you gonna fuss over it after the fact? It is not as if your stress level will raise your grade point average, so just move on. Think of yourself as in the passenger seat and God, Allah, pure energy, Nirvana, fate, whatever is in the front seat. Maybe you can hold the wheel every now and then while the big guy lights his cigarette, but other than that you do not have much control of where the car is going. So lean back, relax and enjoy the view.
Don't forget to watch "Le scaphandre et le papillon" also known as "The diving bell and the butterfly".
Thursday, May 22, 2008
watch the first video
I fully endorse the idea that just looking at a panda can make you happy.
watch the first video
I fully endorse the idea that just looking at a panda can make you happy.
I feel that it is our generation that we have discovered and very much tested the idea that appearance has become our canvas of self perception or perception in general. Maybe we have defined ourselves as the visual generation, because we have taken it upon ourselves, with great pains, pleasures, and will power,to wear what we perceive ourselves as or what we desire to be perceived as.
This notion really resonated within me after reading Jenny's last entry. I feel that in the course of humanity there have been multiple series of constructing and deconstructing normalities based around some skin flaps and behavior tendencies.
Which brings me to an almost oppositional idea (but really I feel its much more of a companion): What are we to do with this skin flaps, behaviors, and even more ideas that we have been told to have and become. And as I often do and feel
one must shake what their mama (did or did not) gave them.
This means we, as a generation of intellect and action, can make malleable what we are given, warp it, preserve it, subtract it, or simply play with it. We can do this with clothing, mannerisms, posturing, and speech. Gender identity now can be taken into our hands, and we can do with what we see fit. Though we are coming to understand the true equity of the human species, this does not me gender roles need to eradicated. they can be reassigned, re-envisioned, redefined, into just roles, without specific groups requirement to follow them.
my final thought is this: that the true self will always find its way through.
I believe ultimately humans have a core encoded with their true self, and no physical boundaries can inhibit this, in fact they should come to embody this core. We are defined by our actions, but our actions are defined by what is within ourselves. And we cannot, we will not be limited anymore. We can work with what we are given to become what we really are. Which in reality is a handful or two off loonies. Gorgeously original class A loonies.
This notion really resonated within me after reading Jenny's last entry. I feel that in the course of humanity there have been multiple series of constructing and deconstructing normalities based around some skin flaps and behavior tendencies.
Which brings me to an almost oppositional idea (but really I feel its much more of a companion): What are we to do with this skin flaps, behaviors, and even more ideas that we have been told to have and become. And as I often do and feel
one must shake what their mama (did or did not) gave them.
This means we, as a generation of intellect and action, can make malleable what we are given, warp it, preserve it, subtract it, or simply play with it. We can do this with clothing, mannerisms, posturing, and speech. Gender identity now can be taken into our hands, and we can do with what we see fit. Though we are coming to understand the true equity of the human species, this does not me gender roles need to eradicated. they can be reassigned, re-envisioned, redefined, into just roles, without specific groups requirement to follow them.
my final thought is this: that the true self will always find its way through.
I believe ultimately humans have a core encoded with their true self, and no physical boundaries can inhibit this, in fact they should come to embody this core. We are defined by our actions, but our actions are defined by what is within ourselves. And we cannot, we will not be limited anymore. We can work with what we are given to become what we really are. Which in reality is a handful or two off loonies. Gorgeously original class A loonies.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
sex, gender and sexuality
In honor of the recent decision to make gay marriage legal in California, I figured I would post about sex, gender and sexuality. I'm not sure if anybody told you, but they are not real. People have made them up, named them, in order to better identify things they have trouble understanding. It's an all to common phenomenon. So, let's start with sex, as in male and female. But it's not just male and female. There are at least five different sexes. You have probably heard of hermaphrodite, and that's one of them. There are mermaphrodites and fermaphrodites, too! Plus, you hear about all this testosterone and estrogen flying around making you more masculine or feminine. Honestly, men and women have nearly equal amounts of it. It's only during puberty that levels may change dramatically. And chromosomes, you know like XX and XY. Well there are dozens of different combinations available for those. Like XXY, XXXY, XYY, even mosaics. Someone with mosaic chromosomes mean that every time you take a sample of their DNA, a different combination appears. Having these chromosome combinations actually is not very rare at all, it is entirely possible and probable that you know some people with one of them. Most of them are insubstantial and cannot be detected by the naked eye, which is why you have no idea about it. Homosexual is a word that was created about 150 years ago. Yes, it is true that some people are attracted more to the same sex or some people are attracted to both sexes, but it is so prude to consider it deviant. Before people gave it a name and decided it was something "the other" does, same sex relations was considered pretty normal. Way back when, in Ancient Greece or somethin', sex between two men was called "heavenly sex". Okay, that sounds kind of cheesy and you might chuckle at it, but it still goes to show their view of it. And when you think about it, it makes sense for it to be so revered. First of all, people of your own sex know more about your body and the way it works compared to the opposite sex (or sexes, as mentioned before). Plus, people are so caught up in vaginal intercourse, as it is the end all of sexual pleasure. It's not. Not necessarily, at least. Given the four most sensitive areas on each sex (which I will not list here for fear of some blogger police rapping me on the knuckles and tut tutting), it probably gets 3.5/5 stars on the richter scale. Haha, richter scale, I made a funny. Okay, if that made you blush, have no fear because we are moving on to the topic of gender. Gender is how you are supposed to act given your sex. You are a boy, so you like blue and play with toy trucks. You are a girl, so you like pink and play with dolls. This is how we are raised and taught to behave from the moment we are born. Ever wonder what you would be like if you had been encouraged to rough house, as opposed to play house, with your friends? Or vice versa? Or both? Females acting feminine and males acting masculine is not how it is done all over the world. It just happens in our neck of the woods because that is the norm for raising children. There are groups of people where both men and women are incredibly aggressive, but equally aggressive nonetheless. There is another group of people that encourages passive, peaceful behavior in both sexes. In some parts of the world, women are aggressive, hunt for food and lead the group, while the men take care of the children and gossip by the river. No joke. This just goes to show that aggressive (male) behavior and peaceful (female) behavior is not mapped out in our genetics. It is not as if we are born as male or female and destined for a personality depending on that sex. It is a bit liberating, isn't it? I mean, now that you know that none of it is real, that it is all a social construction, don't you feel a little more comfortable just being yourself? I myself don't really think of myself in terms of sex, gender and sexuality. I just am, and I do what feels right. These names, labels, are just restricting. You subject yourself to one and you feel obliged to fit it completely. So just be yourself. Here is a quote from Futurama that I think ties this all up quite well:
(Amy is trying to find a guy for Leela, like this ball of energy)
Amy: This is M5438, an entity of pure energy.
Leela: That's great really, but he's just not what I'm looking for.
M5438: (nerdy voice) I understand. One day you will evolve beyond your physical body, and on that day I hope you will pick up the phone.
(Amy is trying to find a guy for Leela, like this ball of energy)
Amy: This is M5438, an entity of pure energy.
Leela: That's great really, but he's just not what I'm looking for.
M5438: (nerdy voice) I understand. One day you will evolve beyond your physical body, and on that day I hope you will pick up the phone.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Getting from here to there
I tend to be a fast walker, especially in my green "leprechaun" oddly heeled foot contraptions. I like to think of myself as observant when out in public, but in all honesty I believe there is so much that I miss in walking with a quicker step and by mindlessly opening up my stride. I think I just like to hear the rhythm of heel to pavement, heel to pavement, and my subconscious wishes to speed it up or make it more audible with forceful steps. I catch myself when I get out of control, you can just imagine what out of control walking looks like for me (there is a whole lot of stomping and swaying and arms are just, and way to fast to be at a relaxed pace). In these moments i then start to walk slower, to better understand the tunnel of trees I am about to walk through, to decide wether that smell is urine or vomit, and to admire the resilient gardens of maintained by people I would like to shake hands with and consider my favorite Chicagoians; It takes a lot of patience to have a garden in a city, next to a college campus (many beer cans and cigarette butts bloom in the night unbeknownst to the gardener), and in Chicago where your efforts are covered for at least four months of the year and the lack of sunlight may hinder your progress.
All this considered, something should also be said about how one carries themselves when they walk. The body language of a walk can exude confidence or apathy. And even if I may sound like some sort of self help book from the sixites, I still believe how someone presents themselves can be a barometer to their view of the world (this is not limiting to the world of clothing and hyegine, but it stature and movement). Sometimes when I am feeling really good, and I can feel it all the way down to my feet, I think my walk is the most relaxed and proud. But then it morphs into some grotesque more than proud trot, and then after checking myself I am able to look around and see little things that make me wonder, that make me happy, and that make me want to find something more.
after thought:
-watching how people walk is incredible, just paying attention to little aspects of humans in motion. try not to look pervy though, no extended stares to the buttocks or groin, in fact no prolonged odd gazes.
-try to make up stories to peoples strides, dont confine them to the story you make, do it all in good fun
All this considered, something should also be said about how one carries themselves when they walk. The body language of a walk can exude confidence or apathy. And even if I may sound like some sort of self help book from the sixites, I still believe how someone presents themselves can be a barometer to their view of the world (this is not limiting to the world of clothing and hyegine, but it stature and movement). Sometimes when I am feeling really good, and I can feel it all the way down to my feet, I think my walk is the most relaxed and proud. But then it morphs into some grotesque more than proud trot, and then after checking myself I am able to look around and see little things that make me wonder, that make me happy, and that make me want to find something more.
after thought:
-watching how people walk is incredible, just paying attention to little aspects of humans in motion. try not to look pervy though, no extended stares to the buttocks or groin, in fact no prolonged odd gazes.
-try to make up stories to peoples strides, dont confine them to the story you make, do it all in good fun
Friday, May 16, 2008
the song
the show is good too
I cant really remember the fourth season
but six feet under was genius
but back to the fact that this song by Nina Simone should be listened to by someone who needs validation for some life choices.
list of songs I seeing parts of when I am alone on the street:
1) Hallejuah- by Leonard Cohen, but I always listen to the Rufus Wainwright version
2) Come on get happy-Judy Garland
3) Valarie- Amy Winehouse
4) Make a Move- Birds fled from me
5) Where do the children play- Cat Stevens
6) I think its gonna work out fine- Ike and Tina Turner (this is actually usually not sung out loud, but danced to and sang in my head when no one is looking at work)
7) Missisipi Goddamn- Nina Simone
8) You are what you love- Jenny Lewis and the Watson Twins
9) Trouble in Mind- Nina Simone
10) I would rather be blind- Etta James
The last time I was in San Francisco, I walked down the singing with my best friend. We sang and walked from her dorm to wherever we wanted to go, actually singing as if it were breathing or some natural action without the slightest premonition.
I always forgot the words and I was self concious of it from time to time. But Jenny would giggle a little bit, and she only told me I messed up once, even though I knew I forgot at least a section of every song we sang.
It just felt good, it felt right to do. So it was done. I wouldn't mind it if it happened a lot, walking down the street and singing with or without someone, but nonetheless I am happy it happened at least once at the volume I have always wanted it to.
2) Come on get happy-Judy Garland
3) Valarie- Amy Winehouse
4) Make a Move- Birds fled from me
5) Where do the children play- Cat Stevens
6) I think its gonna work out fine- Ike and Tina Turner (this is actually usually not sung out loud, but danced to and sang in my head when no one is looking at work)
7) Missisipi Goddamn- Nina Simone
8) You are what you love- Jenny Lewis and the Watson Twins
9) Trouble in Mind- Nina Simone
10) I would rather be blind- Etta James
The last time I was in San Francisco, I walked down the singing with my best friend. We sang and walked from her dorm to wherever we wanted to go, actually singing as if it were breathing or some natural action without the slightest premonition.
I always forgot the words and I was self concious of it from time to time. But Jenny would giggle a little bit, and she only told me I messed up once, even though I knew I forgot at least a section of every song we sang.
It just felt good, it felt right to do. So it was done. I wouldn't mind it if it happened a lot, walking down the street and singing with or without someone, but nonetheless I am happy it happened at least once at the volume I have always wanted it to.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
I like to think this is what friendship sounds like
by the end I just smile. I grin to large for my face, and then I watch it again.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Sometimes you get mad. Sometimes you get lonely. Sometimes you are both these things, and then you trip over your own two feet when you are walking on a busy street and then you are embarrassed. I myself am not the type to scream and kick it out like some of you. I can feel it boiling just behind my eyes but I refuse to go about my business any differently, except for an extra huff or two. Woody Allen is the same way. He says he can't express anger. It was in a movie, though, but I mean it was a character Woody Allen was playing, and I feel like they are all pretty autobiographical so I am guessing when he says, "my pyschoanalyst says I have trouble expressing anger" it is the truth. Sometimes to release the pressure, I go on long walks with no destination, eat a lot, listen to angry music or make art. Thanks to school, I unfortunately haven't had much time to do the latter. But thank God I turned in my last paper (which, coincidentally was about how African Americans used jazz as a creative outlet that in turn gave them a sense of dignity despite the oppression and discrimination from all sides) and will very soon have time to sit crossed legged on my spotty ol' carpet. Patrick actually introduced me to collaging. Before I didn't think of it as much of an art form at all, but maybe that's cause the only collages I was exposed to were of skinny models and hot shot celebrities on the corkboards in the dorms. Here are two collage artists that are especially inspirational and I know their work will have an interesting affect on what I create in the future:
my little sea pony
crowded teef
We may not all be Picassos, but like these lovely ladies often do, we can fill our lives with art and creativity. Every letter, mix cd, notebook and grocery list are chances to express yourself and mold the world around you to your liking. Remember the play dough thing? It's kind of like that. Just imagine everything is made of play dough. Off you go, now.
my little sea pony
crowded teef
We may not all be Picassos, but like these lovely ladies often do, we can fill our lives with art and creativity. Every letter, mix cd, notebook and grocery list are chances to express yourself and mold the world around you to your liking. Remember the play dough thing? It's kind of like that. Just imagine everything is made of play dough. Off you go, now.
Monday, May 12, 2008
This is one hour of unguided thought- the 25 most salient thoughts
I wrote down the gist of 25 thoughts I had today within the hours of 3:30 to 4:30 pm.
Unguided means I didn't want any particular thing to come into my head, I didn't shut anything out, I just let everything happen and tried to write it out.
Each thought is accompanied by at least one image that I found after googling the main subjects of each statement. Because sometimes I make obnoxious rules for myself, the image must be within the first 5 images, or top 10 if it is just too good to pass up.
This is how I get by.
Oscar Wilde had very pronounced jowls, but I think his velveteen knickers and capes distracted people from them. Cerebrally he is incredibly attractive, and he is a nice looking gentlemen, but I cannot get over his jawline.

I think the long hair also helped hide them.

The only downside to the whole cape thing, it could pretty much convict him of sodomy without even needing a testimony against him.
Playful banter is necessary.

I need to check my mail.

Why do my eyes look green sometimes?

Which is easier to play:
Air Drums

or Air Guitar?


(the dead sea)
A hair washing is needed

My goatee-mustache combo makes me look more smug than Robert Downey Junior.

(its not as developed as this though)
I might need a new bracelet.


Laurie Anderson: that woman has visions. Even better yet, she lives out her visions.
Oh my god for the first time ever the train actually sounded like the ocean waves crashing.

I used to want that to happen so bad.
I wonder how many people read this blog. Wait why do I care about results so much, shouldn't I just be happy?!
(its kind of a two for one special)

(this is what I got for care so much)

Sexy Results Death from Above 1979

Oh dear lord, I just had this odd sensation. It was like my mind fired a missile within itself to destroy the negative notion I was beginning to perceive.
I am self correcting, I have come to a point of subconscious positivity. Lets make this last.

So tired, but I believe it will only last as long as this class period.
(I am sorry, two photos were required on this)

Time to focus back on the lesson. Get pumped. Lets Learn. Optimism. YEAH.


(I want you all to know this was found on a site that had Bible Help in the name)
I walked up and down the stairs of the building my class was in today, just to kill time before my class.

The building is seventeen stories, I walked that at least once, and then from 1 to 11
and then just around the building. I think by that time I just wanted to walk and burn off the calories of a ice cream snickers bar.

I have a wedgie because of this.

I want some jicama and hot sauce.

I am embarrassed because someone saw my notes.

There is a rasp, possibly caused by a french accent

or a mucus bubble,

in my teacher's voice.
When I get nervous or uncomfortable, I take off my shoes.

This was awkwardly liberating. It was akw-lib-ating.
Unguided means I didn't want any particular thing to come into my head, I didn't shut anything out, I just let everything happen and tried to write it out.
Each thought is accompanied by at least one image that I found after googling the main subjects of each statement. Because sometimes I make obnoxious rules for myself, the image must be within the first 5 images, or top 10 if it is just too good to pass up.
This is how I get by.
Oscar Wilde had very pronounced jowls, but I think his velveteen knickers and capes distracted people from them. Cerebrally he is incredibly attractive, and he is a nice looking gentlemen, but I cannot get over his jawline.
I think the long hair also helped hide them.
The only downside to the whole cape thing, it could pretty much convict him of sodomy without even needing a testimony against him.
Playful banter is necessary.
I need to check my mail.
Why do my eyes look green sometimes?
Which is easier to play:
Air Drums
or Air Guitar?
(the dead sea)
A hair washing is needed
My goatee-mustache combo makes me look more smug than Robert Downey Junior.
(its not as developed as this though)
I might need a new bracelet.
Laurie Anderson: that woman has visions. Even better yet, she lives out her visions.
Oh my god for the first time ever the train actually sounded like the ocean waves crashing.
I used to want that to happen so bad.
I wonder how many people read this blog. Wait why do I care about results so much, shouldn't I just be happy?!
(its kind of a two for one special)
(this is what I got for care so much)
Sexy Results Death from Above 1979
Oh dear lord, I just had this odd sensation. It was like my mind fired a missile within itself to destroy the negative notion I was beginning to perceive.
I am self correcting, I have come to a point of subconscious positivity. Lets make this last.
So tired, but I believe it will only last as long as this class period.
(I am sorry, two photos were required on this)
Time to focus back on the lesson. Get pumped. Lets Learn. Optimism. YEAH.
(I want you all to know this was found on a site that had Bible Help in the name)
I walked up and down the stairs of the building my class was in today, just to kill time before my class.
The building is seventeen stories, I walked that at least once, and then from 1 to 11
and then just around the building. I think by that time I just wanted to walk and burn off the calories of a ice cream snickers bar.
I have a wedgie because of this.
I want some jicama and hot sauce.
I am embarrassed because someone saw my notes.
There is a rasp, possibly caused by a french accent
or a mucus bubble,
in my teacher's voice.
When I get nervous or uncomfortable, I take off my shoes.
This was awkwardly liberating. It was akw-lib-ating.
Sometimes a misunderstanding ends up being a beautiful painting
So today before entering my Islamic World Studies class, I was feeling rather adventures and dare I say tawdry. I had recently heard a naughty joke and I wanted terribly to tell someone. Jenny of course comes to mind. I knew telling a joke and making someone laugh was exactly what I needed to do in that moment, so I was very excited. You could almost say that I was too excited to tell this joke. And might I add, it is never good to tell a dirty joke via text message, it is all in the delivery. That is why I will assume stage directions for the conversation that arises.
Patrick (almost too excited to tell a dirty joke via text message)
What did Mozart say was better than roses on your piano?
Jenny (with what I imagined and hoped to be a greatly enthusiastic tone)
Patrick (still too excited before heading into the impending doom that is his next class)
Tulips on your organ!
I am in class and there is no reply for sometime. A sense of failure is beginning to enter my mind, and it may be catalyzed by the great void of speaking I do in this class.
Patrick then says (not giving up yet
get it tu-lips ...ORGAN
when you have to point out how salacious your joke is you cannot help but feel a bit of failure.
Jenny (with what I hope is both earnest compassion and confusion)
I am not sure what it means, but I feel like its sexual
Patrick (not fully dead yet, he is remaining strong because that is what life and humor demands sometimes)
two lips on your organ.....penis....Beeeeeejdeeeeets
Oh that reminds me of a Dali painting
Patrick (a bit shocked)
I think I am writing this down
Jenny (with a simple air of knowledge and understanding)
He did a painting of a bunch of flowers, but instead of petals the had two lips because they are tulips
I promised myself not to make that joke anytime soon and to go find the painting when I got back to my room

It is a nice painting. I think its rather witty and nice
Thank you Jenny.
moral: Sometimes vulgarity is not what we need, sometime we need beauty. Sometimes we need misunderstandings to figure out what we really need.
Patrick (almost too excited to tell a dirty joke via text message)
What did Mozart say was better than roses on your piano?
Jenny (with what I imagined and hoped to be a greatly enthusiastic tone)
Patrick (still too excited before heading into the impending doom that is his next class)
Tulips on your organ!
I am in class and there is no reply for sometime. A sense of failure is beginning to enter my mind, and it may be catalyzed by the great void of speaking I do in this class.
Patrick then says (not giving up yet
get it tu-lips ...ORGAN
when you have to point out how salacious your joke is you cannot help but feel a bit of failure.
Jenny (with what I hope is both earnest compassion and confusion)
I am not sure what it means, but I feel like its sexual
Patrick (not fully dead yet, he is remaining strong because that is what life and humor demands sometimes)
two lips on your organ.....penis....Beeeeeejdeeeeets
Oh that reminds me of a Dali painting
Patrick (a bit shocked)
I think I am writing this down
Jenny (with a simple air of knowledge and understanding)
He did a painting of a bunch of flowers, but instead of petals the had two lips because they are tulips
I promised myself not to make that joke anytime soon and to go find the painting when I got back to my room
It is a nice painting. I think its rather witty and nice
Thank you Jenny.
moral: Sometimes vulgarity is not what we need, sometime we need beauty. Sometimes we need misunderstandings to figure out what we really need.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
an interesting thought
This is the beginning of the french film "La Haine (Hate)".
Here is the translation:
"Heard about the guy who fell off a skyscraper? On his way down past each floor, he kept saying to reassure himself: So far so good... so far so good... so far so good. How you fall doesn't matter. It's how you land."
Saturday, May 10, 2008
2 observations - from the observation journal of patrick james gill on May 10th 2008
I like that I have calloused feet, it makes me feel accomplished. More accomplished that being able to drinking almost an entire carton of Naked Mango Juice.
Being alone is nice sometimes. To be in a comfortable place, with only your thoughts, or something benign and not to stressful to watch or listen too. Being with someone is good as well. Just you and a person, in frank discussion or quite closeness. I feel that I am growing, growing to understand degrees of intimacy and
There are some people that I just love talking too, some people I just cannot run out of words with. That being said, I am left speechless by a few people (this is usually a good thing and to these people I give massive kudos).
Being alone is nice sometimes. To be in a comfortable place, with only your thoughts, or something benign and not to stressful to watch or listen too. Being with someone is good as well. Just you and a person, in frank discussion or quite closeness. I feel that I am growing, growing to understand degrees of intimacy and
There are some people that I just love talking too, some people I just cannot run out of words with. That being said, I am left speechless by a few people (this is usually a good thing and to these people I give massive kudos).
Cosmic Circus
This is a story about a traveling family circus.
A decade on the road, the child's entire life.
Ever since listening and reading this story, I have been imagining the things one could see from a double decker bus going no more than 33 miles per hour.
I would also like to see the reception I get from different nations, seeing how each culture sees the circus.
Going along with this theme, I feel it would be apt to mention the Gypsy Circus.
The Gypsy Circus is a collective of ladies and gentlemen, each in ownership of at least one pair of red pants and a gusto for existence, that exhibit these two attributes on various occasions. Someday we will find out how to put our talents to use, organization may come with more time and less space between members (ie: patrick is in chicago, jenny is in san francisco, other members range from Santa Cruz to Minnesota). At this juncture we are just happy to be, we are in fact accepting new members with quirks and talents.
Sometimes I like believing we are all in a circus. Its a tired cliche, but everyone does their part in expressing their idiosyncratic nature, not only keeping either the lord, the universe, or maybe everyone else entertained, but being exactly what they are: a freak. We are all a little freaky, we are all a bit of performers, I have always held those truths to be self evident. Some are just called
oh look at me now, believing in the vocationally abnormal, that goes to show you what growing up Catholic really does to you.
This is a story about a traveling family circus.
A decade on the road, the child's entire life.
Ever since listening and reading this story, I have been imagining the things one could see from a double decker bus going no more than 33 miles per hour.
I would also like to see the reception I get from different nations, seeing how each culture sees the circus.
Going along with this theme, I feel it would be apt to mention the Gypsy Circus.
The Gypsy Circus is a collective of ladies and gentlemen, each in ownership of at least one pair of red pants and a gusto for existence, that exhibit these two attributes on various occasions. Someday we will find out how to put our talents to use, organization may come with more time and less space between members (ie: patrick is in chicago, jenny is in san francisco, other members range from Santa Cruz to Minnesota). At this juncture we are just happy to be, we are in fact accepting new members with quirks and talents.
Sometimes I like believing we are all in a circus. Its a tired cliche, but everyone does their part in expressing their idiosyncratic nature, not only keeping either the lord, the universe, or maybe everyone else entertained, but being exactly what they are: a freak. We are all a little freaky, we are all a bit of performers, I have always held those truths to be self evident. Some are just called
oh look at me now, believing in the vocationally abnormal, that goes to show you what growing up Catholic really does to you.
Friday, May 9, 2008
turning in your drunk dry sleep
(Not posted under the influence of alcohol, as the title suggests. They are lyrics from a pretty amazing tune called "Gemini (Birthday Song) by Why. Give it a listen, it's pretty romantic and has poignant imagery. Personally, I do not find the word very poignant. I mean, when you say it, it sounds bouncy. Poing, poing, poing, Poignant. Just goes to show you how language quite often falls short of conveying actual meaning and thought. Totally different story, probably not meant for this blog. )
I normally close the blinds when I go to sleep to keep the bright lights of the city out of my sleeping eyes. Since I recently purchased a snazzy sleeping eye mask, I decided to let the city lights be. It's a pretty comfy eye mask, with an adjustable elastic strap. It is even made of this sensual silky material, to comfort your eyelids that much more. And on the front, or back, or whatever side you would call the one that faces out and away from your face, are pretty little golden stars and planets with oscillating rings. I guess those planets would be considered Saturn. If it is, there are three Saturns on my eyemask, and several ying yang shapes, too. And the shooting stars! There are probably at least five shooting stars, all travelling from left to right! That must mean something, they must be shooting away from something! Well, shit. That's unsettling. How am I supposed to sleep knowing the shooting stars are running away from something? Or maybe they are shooting towards something? That would make more sense, seeing as the one and a half smiling crescent moons are facing the direction the stars are shooting in. And, I mean, if the moons are smiling like that, there must be something pleasant going on in that direction. Okay, problem solved. So, on the the main story. In the middle of the night, however, the mask slipped off. I began to stir, and rolling over, I looked out the window. Somehow, the cityscape and Victorian houses transformed into a giant man opening the door of his house and walking away. It's not like it made my particularly happy at the time, but it was incredibly bizarre. I rubbed my eyes and little ol' Masonic Ave. turned back into just that. I reached for my eye mask and went back to sleep.
Perception, perception, perception!
I normally close the blinds when I go to sleep to keep the bright lights of the city out of my sleeping eyes. Since I recently purchased a snazzy sleeping eye mask, I decided to let the city lights be. It's a pretty comfy eye mask, with an adjustable elastic strap. It is even made of this sensual silky material, to comfort your eyelids that much more. And on the front, or back, or whatever side you would call the one that faces out and away from your face, are pretty little golden stars and planets with oscillating rings. I guess those planets would be considered Saturn. If it is, there are three Saturns on my eyemask, and several ying yang shapes, too. And the shooting stars! There are probably at least five shooting stars, all travelling from left to right! That must mean something, they must be shooting away from something! Well, shit. That's unsettling. How am I supposed to sleep knowing the shooting stars are running away from something? Or maybe they are shooting towards something? That would make more sense, seeing as the one and a half smiling crescent moons are facing the direction the stars are shooting in. And, I mean, if the moons are smiling like that, there must be something pleasant going on in that direction. Okay, problem solved. So, on the the main story. In the middle of the night, however, the mask slipped off. I began to stir, and rolling over, I looked out the window. Somehow, the cityscape and Victorian houses transformed into a giant man opening the door of his house and walking away. It's not like it made my particularly happy at the time, but it was incredibly bizarre. I rubbed my eyes and little ol' Masonic Ave. turned back into just that. I reached for my eye mask and went back to sleep.
Perception, perception, perception!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
to be your housewife
The following is a narrative of how empowering I find grocery shopping to be. If you think this bizarre, you should hear how I feel when I drive on the freeway. Speaking of empowering, try listening to George Gershwin while shopping in the Container Store. What a trip.
I am a Queen in this Kingdom of fruits and vegetables, with my loyal steed of steel. I examine my subjects with the most critical of fingertips and most sensitive of sniffers. I am forever grateful for your selflessness, however, as I wheel you through the sliding doors towards certain death, where you will be sacrificed by saucepan.
I am a Queen in this Kingdom of fruits and vegetables, with my loyal steed of steel. I examine my subjects with the most critical of fingertips and most sensitive of sniffers. I am forever grateful for your selflessness, however, as I wheel you through the sliding doors towards certain death, where you will be sacrificed by saucepan.
something i could rest my hands on
Adventures can take place on a daily basis. Love can be found on a daily basis. Beauty can be found on a daily basis. You just have to train your eye to see it all happening right before your eyes. You perception shapes your reality which shapes your life, so why not train yourself to see even the smallest of miracles?
Everyday I try to make mental lists of little events, situations and things that bring me joy. Here is a short list of small, all too often ignored things that have recently made it on my list. Most likely you will recognize a lot of these things as being part of your life, too. And, like switching the lens on a telescope, many new things will come into focus.
-Many people despise a crowded bus. I myself am not very comfortable revealing my armpit to strangers while bumping cabooses with junkies. I do revel in the rare opportunity to be the one standing at the front of the crowd, right in front of the wide windshield. I take a sideways stance, knees bent as the bus driver rushes up and over each hill. I like to imagine myself surfing, via bus, through the city this way.
-Living on a college campus, I have grown especially fond of elderly eccentric, flustered professors with tattered suits and even more scattered brains. My heart goes all fuzzy whenever I see them and I fall in love, at least for a few seconds.
-The act of pouring hot water from the teapot into the glass.
-Stepping up onto the sidewalk.
-Making eye contact with strangers (especially the aforementioned professors)
-Spoons in general.
-Dizzy Gillespie's cheeks.
-Brushing my teeth in the shower.
Now go and make a list of your own and send it our way!
this is partick's short list of things he looks forward too, mundane things turned extraordinary, and simply good times.
-Overcooked tofu and reading the snippets of trivia on the back of the soy sauce packets.
-The form,coloring, and general nature of a fully bloomed tulip.
-When the wind shakes through a tree with blossoms, scattering the petals all over, and you can bow your head and pretend you are the Dali Lama (that’s not blasphemous is it?).
-Any moment I am allowed to hold Ben, walk with him, or talk with him.
-Trying to name flowers with Erin or anyone for that matter.
-The unpredictability of a thunderstorm, and laughing about your own wet clothes all day. Along with this is the way lighting rules the sky for the briefest moment and really listening to the wax and wain of rainfall (it really is not always a consistent downpour).
-Reading stories about dark and dirty Havana right before I got to bed, just so that I am to that almost fearful place, then I count my blessings and feel safer because I am on the second floor, then I fall asleep listening to some relaxing music.
-Always making eye contact with strangers.
- Natural hair grease and messing with my hair.
-Figuring out in the morning if actions were dreams or not.
-Putting a letter in the mail box or taking a letter out of my mail box
- Making and then forgetting my future goals
-Train rides everywhere are fun, especially with other people’s conversations being loud enough for me to not even try to eavesdrop. Silence on the train is fine as well.
-When people look at me and the golden unicorn on my bag funny.
Everyday I try to make mental lists of little events, situations and things that bring me joy. Here is a short list of small, all too often ignored things that have recently made it on my list. Most likely you will recognize a lot of these things as being part of your life, too. And, like switching the lens on a telescope, many new things will come into focus.
-Many people despise a crowded bus. I myself am not very comfortable revealing my armpit to strangers while bumping cabooses with junkies. I do revel in the rare opportunity to be the one standing at the front of the crowd, right in front of the wide windshield. I take a sideways stance, knees bent as the bus driver rushes up and over each hill. I like to imagine myself surfing, via bus, through the city this way.
-Living on a college campus, I have grown especially fond of elderly eccentric, flustered professors with tattered suits and even more scattered brains. My heart goes all fuzzy whenever I see them and I fall in love, at least for a few seconds.
-The act of pouring hot water from the teapot into the glass.
-Stepping up onto the sidewalk.
-Making eye contact with strangers (especially the aforementioned professors)
-Spoons in general.
-Dizzy Gillespie's cheeks.
-Brushing my teeth in the shower.
Now go and make a list of your own and send it our way!
this is partick's short list of things he looks forward too, mundane things turned extraordinary, and simply good times.
-Overcooked tofu and reading the snippets of trivia on the back of the soy sauce packets.
-The form,coloring, and general nature of a fully bloomed tulip.
-When the wind shakes through a tree with blossoms, scattering the petals all over, and you can bow your head and pretend you are the Dali Lama (that’s not blasphemous is it?).
-Any moment I am allowed to hold Ben, walk with him, or talk with him.
-Trying to name flowers with Erin or anyone for that matter.
-The unpredictability of a thunderstorm, and laughing about your own wet clothes all day. Along with this is the way lighting rules the sky for the briefest moment and really listening to the wax and wain of rainfall (it really is not always a consistent downpour).
-Reading stories about dark and dirty Havana right before I got to bed, just so that I am to that almost fearful place, then I count my blessings and feel safer because I am on the second floor, then I fall asleep listening to some relaxing music.
-Always making eye contact with strangers.
- Natural hair grease and messing with my hair.
-Figuring out in the morning if actions were dreams or not.
-Putting a letter in the mail box or taking a letter out of my mail box
- Making and then forgetting my future goals
-Train rides everywhere are fun, especially with other people’s conversations being loud enough for me to not even try to eavesdrop. Silence on the train is fine as well.
-When people look at me and the golden unicorn on my bag funny.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
this is something that i meant to tell two very dear friends (on one of their 18th birthdays)
it was written the morning after, and only slight revisions have been made from even then
There is no death, but the death of light, so hold fast to those things that keep you both fruitful and youthful.
In lieu of excessive exuberance, show compassion, create empathy with both your mannerisms and tone.
Being over zealous is quite good in its times, but fostering an earnest desire to learn from humanity will only feed your development as a human as well as a performer (and where is the line drawn with words like those now).
I understand life is a performance and that this is why the greatest performers have vulnerability, they reach out of the self ( or so far into the full self, some kind of group self if you something like that could ever exist)and they are given the precious gift of another's emotions.
Use love well, never poorly. To take another's heart and match it to your own that all are still learning, all are still maturing into. To rush or falsify such a organic process is callousing for the soul. yes i still believe in souls, i do not feel that it is childish, i simply see somethings existence within each person that pertains to something more complex.
To lead the hearts of many with false tunes and delusional prophecies will take you to a place that ends in a lonely spell of convincing yourself of your solitary completeness. To recreate that which is natural bliss seems blasphemous, understand the sanctity of the moment, the evolution of joy, and that though an even can be mimicked, the outcome is never truly repeated.
We have many necessary tools to fully grasp the concept of wholeness, but I am unsure we can do it alone.
We are close, but still, we need so much.
There is no death, but the death of light, so hold fast to those things that keep you both fruitful and youthful.
In lieu of excessive exuberance, show compassion, create empathy with both your mannerisms and tone.
Being over zealous is quite good in its times, but fostering an earnest desire to learn from humanity will only feed your development as a human as well as a performer (and where is the line drawn with words like those now).
I understand life is a performance and that this is why the greatest performers have vulnerability, they reach out of the self ( or so far into the full self, some kind of group self if you something like that could ever exist)and they are given the precious gift of another's emotions.
Use love well, never poorly. To take another's heart and match it to your own that all are still learning, all are still maturing into. To rush or falsify such a organic process is callousing for the soul. yes i still believe in souls, i do not feel that it is childish, i simply see somethings existence within each person that pertains to something more complex.
To lead the hearts of many with false tunes and delusional prophecies will take you to a place that ends in a lonely spell of convincing yourself of your solitary completeness. To recreate that which is natural bliss seems blasphemous, understand the sanctity of the moment, the evolution of joy, and that though an even can be mimicked, the outcome is never truly repeated.
We have many necessary tools to fully grasp the concept of wholeness, but I am unsure we can do it alone.
We are close, but still, we need so much.
the first time I saw this I cried
no lie
this video by miranda july
"are you the favortie person of anybody"
made me cry
i think it is more the resonace of the statement afterwords
the thought of meaning something to someone
the second time i watched it with my friend jamie
and i was careful, and she was the first one to laugh
i am not saying the subject matter is laughable
but something in the second viewing, jamie's first viewing,
struck me as worth laughing about
i think it was the certainty of the second answer
i would like to think i am someones favorite person
but i dont think i would ever like to know
i would like for it to escape from their clutches
after they are in their grave, like it was left on a slip of paper
"patrick james gill was my favorite person"
but i dont know how i could interact with someone who called me
their true favorite.
i think i might have a few favorite people
but i will never tell them
they know it
i think even the ones who just think it should believe they are
if that gives them hope
i dont know, just in some big romantic and beautiful way
i think that everyone has a favorite person, even if it takes time to remember who
and that everyone is someones favorite person, even if they never know
just a thought
this video by miranda july
"are you the favortie person of anybody"
made me cry
i think it is more the resonace of the statement afterwords
the thought of meaning something to someone
the second time i watched it with my friend jamie
and i was careful, and she was the first one to laugh
i am not saying the subject matter is laughable
but something in the second viewing, jamie's first viewing,
struck me as worth laughing about
i think it was the certainty of the second answer
i would like to think i am someones favorite person
but i dont think i would ever like to know
i would like for it to escape from their clutches
after they are in their grave, like it was left on a slip of paper
"patrick james gill was my favorite person"
but i dont know how i could interact with someone who called me
their true favorite.
i think i might have a few favorite people
but i will never tell them
they know it
i think even the ones who just think it should believe they are
if that gives them hope
i dont know, just in some big romantic and beautiful way
i think that everyone has a favorite person, even if it takes time to remember who
and that everyone is someones favorite person, even if they never know
just a thought
One of my current fixations is listening to This American Life online here:
I used to listen to This American Life with my father in his car. NPR was always on, so this and "wait wait don't tell me" were my favorites. They grew on me as I matured, and while online one day I recognized an ad online publicizing the new Showtime show version of T A L. So I went to the website and found the radio archives. All I can say is SOOOOO GOOOOOOD.
I haven't listened to too many of them, but my favorite so far is from April fourth of this year. It is titled "Nobody's Family is Going to Change", and it reminded me a lot of Jenny's thoughts on her dog loving mother. And it reminded me to love my family, all of it, every member and even the things I cannot change about some members.
I encourage readers to listen and find their own favorites, comment if you wish.
I used to listen to This American Life with my father in his car. NPR was always on, so this and "wait wait don't tell me" were my favorites. They grew on me as I matured, and while online one day I recognized an ad online publicizing the new Showtime show version of T A L. So I went to the website and found the radio archives. All I can say is SOOOOO GOOOOOOD.
I haven't listened to too many of them, but my favorite so far is from April fourth of this year. It is titled "Nobody's Family is Going to Change", and it reminded me a lot of Jenny's thoughts on her dog loving mother. And it reminded me to love my family, all of it, every member and even the things I cannot change about some members.
I encourage readers to listen and find their own favorites, comment if you wish.
Two observations- from the observation Journal of Patrick James Gill
This weekend while on my short but sweet jaunt through the city of Portland I realized natures profound effect on me. The tunnels of trees, leafy jade and olive, light and dark, the suns gentle persitance and the wind through the branches of flowered tree; the wind would take those petals and have them pass over me and my family. And the blooms from the new grass, just watching them pass, while on foot of hanging out the window of a car. The new flowers, i would name them all if I could, their smell and the color they provide me with. Even the plotted out and publicly paid for nature of the city, of my return to Chicago, I still feel better when I see it.
Play dominoes with your relatives or those you consider close. Its really is fun. I just learned how to play this weekend with my aunt and brother. Its was treacherous and bred silly fake rivalries and alliances, and I don't really care if it is partially mathematical. I think I will get a set for the summer, if you want to play and you see me in the street/at pergs/in the park, just holllllaaaa.
Play dominoes with your relatives or those you consider close. Its really is fun. I just learned how to play this weekend with my aunt and brother. Its was treacherous and bred silly fake rivalries and alliances, and I don't really care if it is partially mathematical. I think I will get a set for the summer, if you want to play and you see me in the street/at pergs/in the park, just holllllaaaa.
sometimes its good to be quirky
the video in this article is quite intriguing.
Personally I like the platypus and all of its oddities.
It's enigmatic genetics and just plain different appearance make me feel like we have the next step in evolution right before our eyes
ps: NPR seems to always have good stories, both serious and weird. I highly recommend a search of for enlightening and sometimes smiling.
jenny says there is no sassafrassin in this house
the video in this article is quite intriguing.
Personally I like the platypus and all of its oddities.
It's enigmatic genetics and just plain different appearance make me feel like we have the next step in evolution right before our eyes
ps: NPR seems to always have good stories, both serious and weird. I highly recommend a search of for enlightening and sometimes smiling.
jenny says there is no sassafrassin in this house
Monday, May 5, 2008
My roommate, who is writing a research paper on cannibalism, and I giggled over this for far too long.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
playdough for thought
I like to think of creativity as playdough, and our bodies as those plastic playdough accessories, you know, the ones where you squish the playdough through until out oozes pink gooey star/square/sunburst/triangle glory. So we are all filled with creative goop, some is pink and some is yellow and some is green. Plus, when we collaborate, we achieve this beautiful marble colored playdough! And all of our bodies have different fun shaped crevices to squeeze this colorful creativity out of (this is becoming to amazingly suggestive and graphic). We all have different methods of squeezing this creativity out, and different end results. There are writers, musicians, artists, film makers, dog breeders, chefs, drug dealers. You just have to find which hole playdough (creativity) most efficiently exits your plastic accessory (as in body. I'm sorry, I cannot avoid these dirty images), and that is the meaning of life. No, well, maybe not. Everyone creates differently, and has the potential to create beautiful things, sometimes material and sometimes not, but the most beautiful things (aka MARBLE EFFECT) come from working together.
Well, that was fun. I'm surprised I was able to pull meaning out of that one.
Well, that was fun. I'm surprised I was able to pull meaning out of that one.
continued from last post
I'm in the car with my mom, she had just picked my roommate and I up from the bart station and we're on our way to my grandparents' house. My mom says "I asked Murphy [our dog] today if he loves Nana (my grandmother) and he said RUFF. But when I asked him if he loves Papa (my grandfather), he only says ruff."And I say, "Does that mean he loves Nana more?""I guess so."
At first all I could think about was, 'how on earth did I get stuck with the crazy dog lady for a mom?' Embarrassed was an understatement. Then I realized how luck I am to have the crazy dog lady as my mom. Those of you who do not have crazy dog ladies for a mom are missing out on some of the best comedic situations a single mother can provide. Sure, she is weird and talks to her dogs and talks through the dogs to me and gives me presents that are signed from the dogs, but I have come to accept that my life has probably served as inspiration for many a Christopher Guest's flicks. Moral of blog entry: family is often embarrassing, therefore, take a step back, pretend you are in a Christopher Guest film, and you will probably feel better about your mom.
At first all I could think about was, 'how on earth did I get stuck with the crazy dog lady for a mom?' Embarrassed was an understatement. Then I realized how luck I am to have the crazy dog lady as my mom. Those of you who do not have crazy dog ladies for a mom are missing out on some of the best comedic situations a single mother can provide. Sure, she is weird and talks to her dogs and talks through the dogs to me and gives me presents that are signed from the dogs, but I have come to accept that my life has probably served as inspiration for many a Christopher Guest's flicks. Moral of blog entry: family is often embarrassing, therefore, take a step back, pretend you are in a Christopher Guest film, and you will probably feel better about your mom.
Friday, May 2, 2008
here we go to nanas house
Do not worry! We have not run out of steam! I am alive, and so are you!
In a matter of hours I will be at my grandparents' house, where everything is a pastel hue and the toilet paper is always folded into that little arrow. Time does not exist at my Grandparents house. Cottage cheese and cantolope is served any time of day. You simply exist, and you are simply existing on the comfiest couch in the world while Dean Martin's crispy face croons on the TV set. The biggest responsibility I will have is to take off my grandfather's shoes and socks.
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