Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Sometimes you get mad. Sometimes you get lonely. Sometimes you are both these things, and then you trip over your own two feet when you are walking on a busy street and then you are embarrassed. I myself am not the type to scream and kick it out like some of you. I can feel it boiling just behind my eyes but I refuse to go about my business any differently, except for an extra huff or two. Woody Allen is the same way. He says he can't express anger. It was in a movie, though, but I mean it was a character Woody Allen was playing, and I feel like they are all pretty autobiographical so I am guessing when he says, "my pyschoanalyst says I have trouble expressing anger" it is the truth. Sometimes to release the pressure, I go on long walks with no destination, eat a lot, listen to angry music or make art. Thanks to school, I unfortunately haven't had much time to do the latter. But thank God I turned in my last paper (which, coincidentally was about how African Americans used jazz as a creative outlet that in turn gave them a sense of dignity despite the oppression and discrimination from all sides) and will very soon have time to sit crossed legged on my spotty ol' carpet. Patrick actually introduced me to collaging. Before I didn't think of it as much of an art form at all, but maybe that's cause the only collages I was exposed to were of skinny models and hot shot celebrities on the corkboards in the dorms. Here are two collage artists that are especially inspirational and I know their work will have an interesting affect on what I create in the future:

my little sea pony

crowded teef

We may not all be Picassos, but like these lovely ladies often do, we can fill our lives with art and creativity. Every letter, mix cd, notebook and grocery list are chances to express yourself and mold the world around you to your liking. Remember the play dough thing? It's kind of like that. Just imagine everything is made of play dough. Off you go, now.

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