Wednesday, May 7, 2008

this is something that i meant to tell two very dear friends (on one of their 18th birthdays)

it was written the morning after, and only slight revisions have been made from even then


There is no death, but the death of light, so hold fast to those things that keep you both fruitful and youthful.

In lieu of excessive exuberance, show compassion, create empathy with both your mannerisms and tone.

Being over zealous is quite good in its times, but fostering an earnest desire to learn from humanity will only feed your development as a human as well as a performer (and where is the line drawn with words like those now).

I understand life is a performance and that this is why the greatest performers have vulnerability, they reach out of the self ( or so far into the full self, some kind of group self if you something like that could ever exist)and they are given the precious gift of another's emotions.

Use love well, never poorly. To take another's heart and match it to your own that all are still learning, all are still maturing into. To rush or falsify such a organic process is callousing for the soul. yes i still believe in souls, i do not feel that it is childish, i simply see somethings existence within each person that pertains to something more complex.

To lead the hearts of many with false tunes and delusional prophecies will take you to a place that ends in a lonely spell of convincing yourself of your solitary completeness. To recreate that which is natural bliss seems blasphemous, understand the sanctity of the moment, the evolution of joy, and that though an even can be mimicked, the outcome is never truly repeated.

We have many necessary tools to fully grasp the concept of wholeness, but I am unsure we can do it alone.

We are close, but still, we need so much.

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