Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Two observations- from the observation Journal of Patrick James Gill

This weekend while on my short but sweet jaunt through the city of Portland I realized natures profound effect on me. The tunnels of trees, leafy jade and olive, light and dark, the suns gentle persitance and the wind through the branches of flowered tree; the wind would take those petals and have them pass over me and my family. And the blooms from the new grass, just watching them pass, while on foot of hanging out the window of a car. The new flowers, i would name them all if I could, their smell and the color they provide me with. Even the plotted out and publicly paid for nature of the city, of my return to Chicago, I still feel better when I see it.


Play dominoes with your relatives or those you consider close. Its really is fun. I just learned how to play this weekend with my aunt and brother. Its was treacherous and bred silly fake rivalries and alliances, and I don't really care if it is partially mathematical. I think I will get a set for the summer, if you want to play and you see me in the street/at pergs/in the park, just holllllaaaa.

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